Wednesday, July 31, 2019

In the era after the Cold War, liberalism has replaced realism as the dominant explanation for the international system” Do you agree with this assertion?

Introduction This essay examines the proposition that, in the era after the Cold War, liberalism has replaced realism as the dominant explanation for the international system, arguing that such is not the case; that realism continues to be relevant and, indeed, perhaps offers better explanations for current global politics that liberalism. In particular, this essay focuses on the Waltzian notion of global anarchy and asymmetrical global power distributions as being primary driving agencies in international affairs. Hence this essay espouses the precepts of neorealism, emphasising the importance of power, dominance, and interest as underlying political behaviour. While this essay acknowledges the ideological primacy of liberalism, and the likelihood that this will increase, it draws a distinction between avowed intellectual affinities and observable political realities. That is, the central idealism of the liberal ethos is dissected and found to be unsatisfactory in accounting the for post-Cold Wa r global order. While the importance of liberalism is not refuted, the current study sees its ascendency as resulting more from a lack of viable alternatives than its fundamental superiority as a political system or as a set of ideas. Realism, Liberalism, and the Centrality of Power and Interest in International Relations In the wake of the Cold War, certain critical voices within the field of International Relations assert the demise of realism as the dominant explanation for the international system. Certainly, scholars suggest that liberalism is â€Å"main alternative to realism in the public discourse, as it has been for two centuries, albeit challenged by socialism for a time† (Richardson, 2001: 71). This supposition is founded on the belief that the primary tenets of realism – like global anarchy, the centrality of the state, and corollary importance of power and self-interest – while previously useful in explaining global politics, have been superseded by alternate theories. Hence scholars hold that â€Å"although realism’s concepts of anarchy, self-help, and power balancing may have been appropriate to a bygone era, they have been displaced by changed conditions and eclipsed by better ideas† (Little & Smith, 2006: 90). The realist paradigm as formulated by Ma chiavelli and codified by Hobbes, it could be argued, was grounded in paranoiac conceptualisations of the human condition; it reflected an â€Å"anti-teleological principle†, where the Aristotelian idea of ultimate â€Å"good† as humanity’s guiding light is rejected in favour of a motive formed in the philosophical negative (Strauss, 1988: 52): where humans ultimately acted to avoid certain ends rather than precipitate them. For Hobbes, one of the intellectual fathers of the modern nation state, man’s endeavour was consequently geared, in sum, against what he called the â€Å"summum malum†, that is, death (Sreedhar, 2010: 33). Modern political science tends to ascribe somewhat less pessimistic intentions and driving agencies to international relations. While this has somewhat to do with the inevitable critical realignment that obtained as a result of global political rearrangement after the fall of the Soviet bloc, the irrelevance of realism is by no means a given. As the neorealist Kenneth Waltz avers: â€Å"Changes in the structure of the system are distinct from changes at the unit level† (2000: 5). After all, it would entail a radical change in world politics to negate entirely a prevalent mode of critical analysis; for realism all of a sudden to become irrelevant. This would, it seems clear, be to say that the events of the past were so vastly different in character from those of the present as to bear negligible if any consequence for (or insights on) events of the future. But what manner of change in the international system could utterly alter the critical apparatuses by which s uch systems are scrutinisedWhat we are concerned with in this instance, after all, is a wholly new type of system; in effect, a new type of politics: wherein the posited spread of liberalism, increasing globalisation, interdependence, the rise of democracy and the consolidation of diplomatic relations is such as to redefine the very nature of state-to-state interaction – a very dramatic alteration indeed. In sum, is the new face of global order really reflective of an equally new modus operandi at work beneathIs liberalism the new residing paradigm? Since the end of the Cold War, scholars have proposed that a â€Å"new world† is upon us, one which requires new approaches to political analysis. As a consequence, the field of political studies has witnessed a wealth of competing so-called â€Å"new world† theories: Francis Fukuyama’s proposed End of History and Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilisations theory being foremost among them. A common thread in said theories relates to the potent ideological significance of communism being abjured by a huge portion of the globe and the consequent spread of liberal democracy and its bedfellow capitalism. In either instance, the charge of Western triumphalism could be brought to bear and, indeed, raises some pertinent questions: is it that Western liberalism is a superior system or is it that Eastern style communism was integrally flawedSome scholars certainly contend the latter: communist political systems â€Å"collapsed in Central and Eastern Europe at t he end of the 1980s primarily because of long-standing internal weaknesses that denied them the popular legitimacy needed for long term survival† (Goldman, 1997: 3). From a liberal perspective, this can be understood as reflective of the supposed fundamental human desire for freedom: a desire which proponents are keen to imply that liberalism provides. That is, there is for some liberal critics a belief that â€Å"the desire for liberal democracy† is â€Å"universal† because it denotes the innate human desire for freedom (Hughes, 2012: 109). However, the categorical and reductive overtones of such thinking are perhaps too flattering to the Occidental political position (from which liberal critics tend to hail). At any rate, it is clear that liberal politics have become increasingly preponderate in the wake of the Cold War. Whether this is down to the universality of liberal principles is highly debatable. More convincing are arguments that stress the lack of viable alternatives to communism since the fall of the Soviet bloc. Hence one critic observes that following the Cold War, liberal democracy found itself â€Å"without enemies or viable alternatives† (Haynes et al., 2013: 36). Concurrently, the United States (certainly the most prevalent liberal polity on the world stage), increasingly pursued policies that were indicative of â€Å"ideological universalism in values and practices† (MacGinty & Richmond, 2013: 22). Such universalism works somewhat to blur the lines between liberal principles and US principles: simply put, the one comes metonymically to do duty for the other. As a result, scholars posit that â€Å"American power has become the executor of the liberal idea an d, invisibly, the liberal ideal has become the occasion for asserting American might† (MacDonald, 2014: 161). In other words, the diminishment in viable alternatives to communism, in addition to the rise of US proclamations in the service of liberalism, both amount to a powerful catalyst for political liberalism overall. What is clear, then, is that there has been a substantial paradigm shift in the global order; and, indeed, the proclamations of a supposed new word do seem justified, at least in terms of the overt ideological dynamic at play in international relations. What liberal scholars trumpet as the ascendency of liberalism must be understood as an ideological victory before anything else. Deeper rooted structural and socio-cultural influences may yet obtain. As a result, while classical realism may be unsuited to account for the ideological makeup of contemporary politics, neorealism and structural realism can perhaps offer an adapted understanding of fundamental driving agencies behind ideological ambitions. Such critical perspectives relate to the underlying mechanics of global politics. Kenneth Waltz for instance maintains the validity of realism inasmuch as it serves to explain states of relative peace and conflict as being the result of asymmetrical power distribution among states and th e prevalence of global anarchy. For Waltz, this mode of anarchy is connected with permissiveness: where the lack of any top-down international ruling body or sovereign effectively removes deterring agencies (for states to wage war). Hence Waltz identifies what he calls â€Å"permissive† causes of conflict: that allow wars to occur â€Å"because there is nothing to prevent them† (1959: 232). Of course, there has been a significant decline in interstate war since the fall of communism, but this does not mean that global anarchy in no longer relevant. Rather, the realist paradigm may still be said to hold true: the only difference is the vastly changed power structures at work. The world order is, for the present, unipolar, with the United States representing the global hegemon. During the Cold War, international relations were bipolar, because the Soviet bloc represented a significant balance to the capitalist West. This led to a situation where, although individual factions often sought â€Å"to dominate, superiority [was] almost impossible to achieve† because states countered â€Å"each other’s attempts to dominate† (D’Anieri, 2011: 69). In lieu of this bipolar balance, no single state commands the resources or capability to challenge the US, thus what is known as hegemonic stability obtains. While this hegemonic stability maintains a peacefu l status quo under the banner of liberal democracy, there are nonetheless indications that other factors are at work beneath the overt appearance. Indeed, the unipolar world has allowed for a degree of unilateralism that seems distinctly at odds with the dictates of freedom and equality so associated with the liberal ideal. One commentator notes, for example, that â€Å"the excessive unilateralist behaviour of the Bush administration† in addition to the frequent â€Å"disregard for international law† which â€Å"previous administrations had helped to create† ended up being â€Å"corrosive† on the credibility of Washington (Heinbecker, 2011: 171). The point is that the US is simultaneously putting itself forward as the vocal exemplar of liberalism yet repeatedly acting in its own self-interest and flexing its muscle in order to do so. Thus while on the one hand the US explicitly champions liberal ideology, its political behaviour is more readily explicable with reference to realist ideas. There is an evident paradox at work here, and it is evocative of Mark twain’s famed aphorism: â€Å"If you have a reputation as an early riser, you can sleep ‘til noon† (Rumsey, 2012: 137). Hence we come to a crucial distinction in the current debate. Liberalism is at base an idealistic mould for political action, thus difficult to achieve. Realism, contrarily, assumes a degree of pragmatism, partiality, and, indeed, disparity in political action that is far more readily obtained. This central paradox echoes one of the primary problems with the liberal ethos as a practicable set of ideas: it tends not to work very well. He nce scholars like Michael Howard go so far as to equate liberalism with the â€Å"story of the efforts of good men to abolish war but only succeeding thereby in making it more terrible† (Howard, 1978: 130). Taking this point of view, it becomes less convincing that liberalism has rendered realism obsolete. Indeed, the actions of the US after the Cold War have, it can be argued, been highly self-interested. Moreover, after the tragedy of September 11th, Washington’s neoconservative quest to spread democracy was anything but peaceful. In either instance, self-preservation and national interest seem more reasonable explanations for Washington’s actions than any supposed idealistic liberalising agenda (except where such an agenda consolidated US power). Thus we can once more defer to realist thinking. In this respect scholars point to â€Å"the central role† of â€Å"power† in â€Å"politics and the dominance of the nation-state in the contemporary international system† – a realist conception if ever there was one (Keohane, 1984: 9). Even though the power divisions that prevailed during the Cold War are now gone, this does not mean the fundamental concepts of power and dominance no longer play an important role. Here we come to a very important poi nt: the ideas of realism relate to fundamental driving agencies, which effectively transcend the cosmetic prescriptions of particular ideological systems. This is why, critics argue, realism offers a good explanation for political activity: because it tries to locate root causes. This latter point is realism’s overriding strength. Because realism is concerned with human nature and fundamental agency, it potentially represents a more universal system of thought than does liberalism. For this reason, realism cannot be said to have been rendered obsolete by the rise of liberalism; this is because, in a certain sense, the realist view is ahistorical and thus cannot be made obsolete. Realism after all is focused on the â€Å"constraints on politics imposed by human nature† (Donnelly, 2000: 9). Human nature has no time limit. Accordingly this is to suppose that power, dominance and self-interest are integral elements of the human condition; that political events thus reflect human nature writ large. While it may be upheld that the human condition is not as bleak as Hobbes contended – â€Å"solitary, poor, brutish, nasty and short† – it can certainly be argued humanity continuously acts in selfish and illiberal ways (cited in Graham, 2002: 9). Furthermore, it seems idealism in the extreme to propose that humanity is remotely close to a state in which the pejorative dimensions of human nature will be extinguished. Rather, it is far more plausible that human nature will perpetually pose restraints on political ideals. Liberalism as an idealistic perspective therefore remains subject to the restrictions posited by realism. Further, this does not look set to end any time soon. Conclusion While it is clear that a new world has emerged from the ideological rubble of the Cold War, a world defined by the liberal ideal, it is certainly not proven that realism has no more use to political science. On the contrary, realism is a pervasive system for explaining international relations: prior to and succeeding the end of the Cold War. Realism may relate to some very old political ideas; but this does not mean such ideas are ipso facto out of date. Fundamental elements of human nature, on the contrary, must be understood as timeless. In consequence, we may posit that the basic motivations that dictate human political activity today are of a similar nature to those during the Cold War or even those which obtained in centuries prior. That is to say, assuming the truth of the basic tents of realism about human nature, such insights must be taken to be as valid today as they were in the past. Following this logic, realist ideas will likely persist in relevance through the years to come. The conflict-based character of international relations will therefore continue to be a pressing concern for political science, even if liberalism continues its likely trend of preponderance. But this must be understood as an ideological manifestation, a cosmetic facet of political ideals; and such ideals are wont to change dramatically over time. Even a cursory review of the previous century demonstrates dramatic changes in political ideas. The overall political sensibility of contemporary polities is starkly different from that which obtained at the dawn of the twentieth century. Based on this observation, it seems reasonable to suppose a similar level of difference between now and one hundred years hence; yet, even so, the underlying characteristics of human nature will be continuous. For this reason, realism remains and will continue to be relevant. References D’Anieri, P., 2005. International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs. Boston, MA: Wadsworth. Donnelly, J., 2000. Realism and International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Goldman, M. F. (1997) Revolution and Change in Eastern Europe. New York: M. E. Sharpe. Graham, G., 2002. The Case Against the Democratic State: An Essay in Cultural Criticism. Thorverton: Imprint Academic. Haynes, J., Hough, P., Malik, S., & Pettiford, L., 2013. World Politics: International Relations and Globalisation in the 21st Century. Oxon: Routledge. Howard, M., 1978. War and the Liberal Conscience 2nd ed. London: Hurst. Hughes, C., 2012. Liberal Democracy as the End of History: Fukuyama and Postmodern Challenges. Oxon: Routledge. Keohane, R. O., 1989. After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press Little, R. & Smith, M., 2006. Perspectives on World Politics. London: Routledge. MacDonald, M., 2014. Overreach: Delusions of Regime Change in Iraq. Harvard: Harvard University Press. MacGinty, R. & Richmond, O., 2013. The Liberal Peace and Post-War Reco: Myth or RealityOxon: Routledge. Richardson, J. L., 2001. Contending Liberalisms in World Politics: Ideology and Power. Boulder: Rienner Publishers. Rumsey, M. G., 2012. The Oxford Handbook of Leadership. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sreedhar, S., 2010. Hobbes on Resistance: Defying the Leviathan. New York: Cambridge University Press. Waltz, K., 2000. â€Å"Structural Realism after the Cold War†. International Security, 25.1, pp. 5-41. Waltz, K., 1959. Man, the State, and War. New York: Columbia University Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dress for Success

Assignment #9 – Dress for Success 1. Do you think Cohen had a right to be offended? Why or why not? Cohen had not a right to be offended. She rebuked and wasn’t allowed to attend such an internal meeting; I think it is not appropriate. The older colleague could understand her that was not right dress for the company and she should not attire such dress another time. The colleague could allow her in such internal meeting for first time. The company does not provide the dress information before the meeting; it is the company’s mistake.And Cohen as a new employee, she is unable to know the dress rule for the meeting. So Cohen should have right to attend the meeting at this time. To fix the problem, the company should have dress code policies that include accessory item as well. And each employee must receive a copy of the policy. 2. Does an employer have an unfettered right to set a company’s dress code? Why or why not? Of course, the employer have an unfette red right to set a company’s dress code.The employer has the power to set a company’s dress code, based on the employees is dependency relationship to company. Although I think that the employer should consider many more factors such as belief, values of employees before setting a dress code. A distinct dress code makes a company distinct which will help the company to maintain brand retention and loyalty. When an employer hired the new employees, they should tell the rule of dress code to the new employees. To do so it can drive the employees know and willing to conform the company’s dress code.And setting a dress code in the workplace will have various benefits to the employees as well as to the company. Firstly, having a dress code will ensure that everyone understands what is expected of them and allows protection for the business. Secondly, by having a policy that stipulates what is appropriate and inappropriate this will also ensure that the business and i ts employees can be free of some forms of sexual harassment or favoritism based on a provocative style of a person's clothes.Thirdly, in order to maintain a professional appearance, managers need to dress slightly better than their employees but still within a comfortable or safe realm befitting their work area. 3. How far would you go to conform to an organization’s dress code? If your boss dressed in a relatively formal manner, would you feel compelled to dress in a like manner to manage impressions? I will be highly conformed to an organization’s dress code. An organization the power to set the dress code, I am the employee and am dependency relationship with the organization; so I have no choice beside conform to the dress code.And the dress code can be the rules of the company, I must follow the rules. Boss has the coercive, reward, and legitimate power. So there is no alternative of ingratiation to manage the impression of boss, so I will follow all the ways (exc ept unethical) to ingratiate the boss. If my boss is dressed in a relatively formal manner, I will try to follow my boss’s formality which he/she likes. But I will not feel compelled to dress in a like manner to manage impressions.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Breadtalk Research

Talk Local brand; regional success. BreadTalk Group Limited started out in 2000 as a local bakery chain best known for its signature floss buns, before firmly establishing its brand name and evolving into a major food retailer in less than 10 years. It currently operates in three main segments: bakery, food court and restaurants. It entered the restaurant segment in 2003 after acquiring the Singapore franchise rights to the renowned Din Tai Fung restaurant brand. The food court business soon followed in 2005. The group was listed on SGX in 2003. China to spearhead the next growth phase. From Singapore, it moved to the rest of the region and China is currently one of its key markets outside of Singapore. Given the sheer size of the consumer market in China, we believe that it will be the future catalyst for BreadTalks growth. While Singapore currently remains the largest revenue contributor to the Group, BreadTalks diverse brands of various food offerings and established foothold in Beijing and Shanghai should allow it to take advantage of rising disposable incomes as well as react quickly to new consumer trends in China. In terms of number of outlets, China already outnumbers Singapore with 20 food courts, 3 Carls Jr fast food restaurants, 3 RamenPlay restaurants and 184 bakery outlets. Rising costs, an issue, but manageable. We believe that BreadTalk will be able to maintain a gross profit margin of about 55%, which is in line with its margins over the past five years despite potential hike in food costs. Previous fluctuations in raw material prices had not resulted in any significant impact on gross profit margins, and the group also plans to improve its margins by shortening its supply chain and bulk sourcing globally for its supplies. Initiate with BUY and fair value estimate of S$0. 74. We project revenue growth of 26% YoY for FY2011F on the back of outlet expansions and stronger sales from existing stores. Backed by strong sales projections, its growing brand recognition and its continuous commitment to review and enhance its offerings, we are initiating coverage on BreadTalk with a BUY rating and a fair value estimate of S$0. 74 based on a discounted cash flow-to-firm valuation model with a WACC discount rate of 8. 02%. This valuation translates to an upside potential of about 11. 6% based on the last traded price of S$0. 66.

Differences between law and equity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Differences between law and equity - Essay Example It mainly came out of feudal customs. On the other side Equity came from Roman law and Canon Law. Common law also differs with Equity in the sense that Equity comprised of the principles of rules administered by the Court of Chancery and consisted of that portion of natural justice which, although of a nature suitable for judicial enforcement, was for historical reasons not enforced by the common Law Courts. There is also another difference that the defects and rigidity of the old Common Law gave rise to Equity. Underhill has very well summarized the difference between Common Law and Equity in these words: - "Equity was originally the revolt of Commonsense against the pedantry of Law, and trammels of the feudal system, it became highly artificial refined body of legal principles and is at present day an amendment and modification of the Common Law" 2. The Plaintiff used to go to the Common Law Courts as a matter of right while the person seeking relief in the Court of Chancery humbly prayed for the benefit of the Court's grace by invoking the exercise of its prerogative. Thus, it was the discretion of the equity Court (i.e. Chancery Court) to give remedies to the petitioner or not. 3. 3. In Common law Courts the misconduct of the plaintiff did not disentitle him to claim legal relief but in the Court of Chancery misconduct of the plaintiff was taken as a sufficient ground for the refusal of equitable reliefs. 1. A. Ahmad, Equity and Trusts, p 36 2. Osborne Law dictionaries 3. Ibid. 4. The pronouncement of the Common Law Courts altered the legal title to the property as between the parties to the action but the Chancery Court bound the person only by its decree, directing him to transfer the legal title by executing a conveyance. 5. Common Law sprang from feudal customs, while equity sprang from Roman andCanon law 6. Common Law involved a complicated procedure of tendering evidence. But theCourts of Chancery had no procedural complication evidence. 7. In common law courts, judges used to preside over, while in courts of equity thepresiding officer was the Chancellor being a judge. 8. Common law was generated by the forms of action, and that forms of actioncombined substance and procedure while, a writ, obtained from chancery,structured according to a fixed form, and initiated a cause of action. 9. Common law was rigid and limited while, equity law was flexible. 10. The court of equity flourished independently of the common law courts. "Justice" could be dispensed in Chancery. The most powerful device available to the court of equity was the injunction--to forbid,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Freud on Oedipus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Freud on Oedipus - Essay Example The Oedipal complex as described by Freud indicates men wished to possess their mothers in much the same way that their fathers did. â€Å"It is the fate of all of is, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first hatred and our first murderous wish against our father† (Freud, 2006). According to Freud’s theory, in identifying with the male gender, boys begin to see their fathers as competition and begin wishing they could replace their fathers and marry their mothers. Freud’s theory held that children suffering the guilt and frustration of the oedipal complex, in which the child unconsciously desires an intimate relationship with the parent of the opposite sex and the removal of the parent of the same sex, who are incapable of solving this conflict on their own eventually grow up to become criminals as they seek alleviation from this guilt through punishment. To illustrate his point, he continuously goes back to the story of Oedipu s to illustrate these ideas. In the play, Oedipus is fated at birth to grow up to kill his father and marry his mother, so his natural father orders that he be abandoned to the wilderness expecting that he will die of exposure to the elements. However, the crying baby was rescued by a shepherd and taken to the neighboring monarchs, who were sadly childless, to be raised as their son. All of this history was unknown to Oedipus when he took leave of his parents at an appropriate age to go question the Oracle about his future. As he is leaving the Oracle, Laius, seeking a solution to a Sphinx problem back in Thebes, is approaching. The two come together at a place where three roads meet and they argue over who has the right of way. Their argument turns into a fight and Oedipus kills Laius never knowing who he really is, thus fulfilling the first part of the prophecy without even knowing it. Because he is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Who are you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Who are you - Essay Example He will point out that soul is a non material substance that was hardly be transplanted with the help of a part of brain as the latter does not contain it in the strict meaning of this verb (Elkaisy-Friemuth and Dillon 2). One of the most important assumptions that are made by this kind of thinking is that if a body does, the soul is released free and there is no way to return it. It is understandable that Plato is not able to present any factual evidence to support his claims. That is why it would be logical to treat his position from the point of view of speculation as well as personal interpretation of the facts as Plato primarily refers to different consideration and logical models in order to convince the audience. The second friend who will express his opinion about the situation in question is Aristotle. His main argument will be focused on the idea that soul is closely connected to the body. Therefore, it is possible to influence the former with the help of the latter (Johansen 119). The most important assumption in this case is that if one locates the part of the body where the soul is, it is possible to remove it and place into a different body. Speaking of the factual evidence, Aristotle might suggest that unhealthy body is not able to produce a sound soul. While this evidence is factual, it may be rather difficult to verify as a lot of different abstract notions are taken into consideration. That is why, one would make no mistake while pointing out that the claims that are presented by Aristotle are also may be regarded as speculations. It is quite understandable that it is safe to accept the premises which are expressed by Plato regarding the impossibility of transplanting a soul with the help of a brain as the argument that he makes features sound logic. Of course, some might question several aspects of it such as What if the soul decided to choose a different

Friday, July 26, 2019

Conflict Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Conflict Analysis Paper - Essay Example When I go home after a hard day, I have to pick up unending coffee cups, ash trays, cushions, close open windows, secure locks and switch off lights, before washing the used dishes, as I need them for cooking and eating. Actually they are my own and he does not have many earthy possessions. He would rather spend money on male perfume, pointed shoes and manicure. Our conflict cannot come under philosophical, demonic, classical theories. It is definitely not ecological. It comes under the Functional theory and perhaps this kind of conflict is needed for the social functioning. Also it comes under Anomie theory, because both of us are confused about how to treat the other. "This meant that rules on how people ought to behave with each other were breaking down and thus people did not know what to expect from one another. Anomie, simply defined, is a state where norms (expectations on behaviors) are confused, unclear or not present. It is normlessness, Durkheim felt, that led to deviant behaviour" Triggering events that brought conflict into mutual awareness were his smoking inside flat, not cleaning, leaving used dishes all over, being unreasonable about buying things for flat, and arguing on every possible matter. According to him, they are my obsession with cleaning, tidiness, my overbearing desire to have my own way, shrill reaction to smoking and dominating behavior. Historical context on this ongoing relationship, could be from my point of view Communism produces only selfishness and cunning behavior. According to him, Asian people are overbearing, fastidious, without any scope for easy, laid back relationship. External events could be his late hours of work, his unhappiness over not getting a musician's job paying $300 per day, his failure in finding permanent, caring (read money spending) provider in the form of a girl friend and external environment that makes him hesitate to mingle, and thus, more aggressive. He believes that my external events are study pressures, my inability of generating a steady income, my being short of money perennially, and nervousness in completing my degree. I am sure I do not have any prior assumption about conflict, though, could have been a bit biased about erstwhile communism, and the way of expressing the particular bias, whereas Olek definitely has an annoying way of putting things across about colonialism, middle European male supremacy, and Eastern ignorance and poverty. I express the struggle by being grumpy, silent, unresponsive, cleaning the place with obvious unhappiness and by being unfriendly. Olek shows it with supreme indifference while continuing same attitude that is bound to raise my hackles. Perceived incompatible goals mainly are smoking, uncleanliness, loud music, unending heating of the flat, disturbance, using things without asking, and leaving them to clean themselves and find their own way to their proper places etc. Perceived scarce resources are gallantry, carelessness, sensitivity, co-operation, fellow-feeling and genuine friendship. We, being flat mates, are interdependent on mutual harmony and peace in the flat, paying of bills, maintaining a level of mutual respect and concern for one another.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Consumer with Diagnosis of Anorexia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Consumer with Diagnosis of Anorexia - Essay Example 331). Anorexia nervosa involves restricting oneself of food intake and nutrients while anorexia bulimia involves repeated acts of bingeing and purging. Thus, people with the disorder are characterized with either loss of desire to eat or purging behaviors in intent to reduce weight. In the United States, the incidence and prevalence of Americans afflicted with anorexia have risen steadily to 1.2 million individuals and majority of this statistic are adolescents and women (Mehler and Krantz, 2003, p. 331). Anorexia is also common among cancer patients in U.S. with 50% of cancer patients who developed anorexia upon diagnosis and 60%-65% when in the later stage of the disease (Adams et al. 2009, p. 96). The increasing incidence of anorexia for the past decades has been attributed to physiologic, gastrointestinal, metabolic, nutritional, neuronal, endocrine, and societal factors such as emphasis on promoting dieting behaviors and thinness. To study further anorexia, this paper will discu ss the different signs and symptoms of anorexia during a mental status examination, the evidence-based therapeutic interventions, and the potential risks to self and others of unmanaged anorexia. Signs and Symptoms during Mental Status Examination During mental status examination, the consumer with anorexia may present to the emergency department in lethargic state. According to Gurenlian (2002), the dehydration and malnutrition brought by severe dieting may result to headaches, lethargy, and syncope (p. 221). In addition, prolonged protein and electrolyte depletion in the body will lead to weakness, dizziness, and paresthesia. A consumer with anorexia demonstrates behaviors that are profoundly narrow, rigid, and disconnected from reality (Merwin at al. 2011, p. 63). Emotions are suppressed to reduce distress in weight and body image and speech is centered rigidly on verbal guidelines about eating and exercises; thus, becomes preoccupied with weight and body image. Due to emotional suppression, anorexic consumers also have poor self-image and greater rate of suicide attempts (Keifer et al. 2010, p. 304). Thought contents include delusion of seeing oneself as fat, suicidal ideations, and obsessions (Harris, Eberly and Cumella, 2004, p. 24-25). Nutritional and emotional suppression not only account for the delusional thoughts and decreased mental state but also in being less responsive to feedback when learning a task and difficulty in concentrating and making decisions. Evidence-based Therapeutic Interventions Adams et al. (2009) conducted a review of evidence-based interventions to treat and manage anorexia and found out a limited number of empirically-based interventions recommended for management of the disorder (p. 100). Interventions that were reviewed for evidence in the study include dietary interventions and counseling, intake of oral supplements, and use of pharmacologic agents. Based upon the evidences, only two pharmacological interventions are recom mended for treatment of anorexia: these include use of corticosteroids and progestin. Systematic reviews confirmed that corticosteroids stimulate appetite and promote weight gain while progestin not only treat hormone-dependent tumors but has additional effect of increasing body weight and appetite (Adams et al. 2009, p. 98). Dietary interventions and counseling were also found to be effective in reducing incidence of anorexia through improvement in nutritional intake and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Overcoming a academic Challenge Scholarship Essay

Overcoming a academic Challenge - Scholarship Essay Example At the end of high school, I was accepted to Miami-Dade College. This is a community college that was affordable and could get me on track towards medical school. I worked hard for good grades, and have now been accepted to the University of Miami. While I was excited to transfer, going to the University of Miami has presented me with my greatest academic challenge. The classes at the University of Miami are completely different than they were at Miami-Dade College. The pace of the learning is very rapid. Information is presented in large chunks during class time. I have found that I sometimes leave class wondering how I will remember everything that was presented. The professors teach differently at the University of Miami as well. They are very professional and require the student to be responsible for her own learning. They are always willing to help explain things I do not understand, but I need to go to them to ask. They are not willing to let students just glide through their classes. This is especially true of the tests that these professors give. There is no way you can guess your way through the material. You must come prepared or you will fail. Overall, my greatest academic challenge is adjusting to the more challeng ing academic standards since my transfer to the University of Miami. Thankfully, my family taught me how to deal with challenges that confront you in life. The first thing I changed in order to overcome this challenge is to reduce the amount of time I spent with friends. I am the type of person that enjoys an active social life. I never study with friends because when I am with them I want to have fun. I found that being successful at the University of Miami required be to spend less time having fun with friends and more time reviewing class notes, lectures and reading in my textbook. This has not been a pleasant adjustment, but it has been a necessary one. My

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Global Media and the Nestle Boycott Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Global Media and the Nestle Boycott - Essay Example One of the main concerns for the widespread use of infant formula among children is the high number of deaths especially in the least developed countries (LDC) where mothers substitute breastfeeding with infant formula. Nestle has been accused of its aggressive marketing strategies that convinces mothers in poor countries to abandon breastfeeding their children and resort to infant formula. This has attracted the longest boycott in history known as Nestle Boycott where organizations concerned with the Nestle’s marketing practices of its controversial infant product in third world countries despite the linkage of the product to the high rates of deaths among babies in those countries. The organizations that participate in Nestle Boycott have a number of arguments that they believe are worthy stopping Nestle to engage in the marketing of infant formula in LDC. In view of the immense social, cultural, and economic differences between first and third world countries, it is acutely unethical for core nation corporations such as Nestle to implement their marketing techniques in peripheral nations without realizing the severe consequences. The Genesis of the Boycott Henri Nestle, the founder of Nestle, S.A. is credited with inventing the first artificial food products for babies in the world in 1866. After New Internationalist  magazine published a story about the unethical marketing strategies that Nestle employed to sell its product to mothers in 1973 and in a booklet called  The Baby Killer,  in 1974, the company continues to face a boycott of its product infant formula. Nestle became the topic of consumer boycotts in the 1970s owing to its marketing practices. Powdered milk formula for infants was distributed free in hospitals to mothers who had given birth to newborn babies. What attracted the attention of consumers was the fact that this practice had not been witnessed in core countries like United States of America and England but only in less deve loped countries where the mothers were concerned about breastfeeding their babies. One of the most well known controversies involving Nestle involves the advertising and marketing of infant formula products to mothers in LDC around the world. The issue came up and attracted world attention in 1977 because of the Nestle boycott. Nestle continues to face criticism that the company violates the 1981 World Health Organization code that instituted regulations for marketing and advertising of breast milk substitutes (Solomon, p. 2).   The controversial issue led to the formation of groups such as the  International Baby Food Action Network  (IBFAN) and Save the Children  who continues to provide evidences that the promotion of infant formula over breastfeeding lead health problems and deaths among infants in less economically developed countries. Nevertheless, Nestle has continuous counteracted these claims by initiating company policies that are geared towards encouraging mothers to breastfeed their children and only resort to infant formula in cases where it is completely impossible to breast feed. Because of aggressive marketing strategies by Nestle, free samples were distributed at maternity units, and by Nestle sales representatives who addressed as quasi-medical personnel. The critiques of this marketing strategy pointed out that poor mother were being persuaded to resort to infant

Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and Brand New Way Essay Example for Free

Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and Brand New Way Essay Indigenous people are those that are native to an area. Throughout the world, there are many groups or tribes of people that have been taken over by the Europeans in their early conquests throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by immigrating groups of individuals, and by greedy corporate businesses trying to take their land. The people indigenous to Australia, Brazil and South America, and Hawaii are currently fighting for their rights as people: the rights to own land, to be free from prejudice, and to have their lands protected from society. Indigenous People of Brazil and South America The people indigenous to Brazil and South America are an extremely noteworthy group. The Brazilian population originally derives from four ethnic sources. From the beginning, the country has been a mixture of many races of people. Of these, are the native Indians, the colonizing Portuguese, the enslaved African blacks, and the various immigrant groups from Europe and Asia. Many of the indigenous tribes are quarreling with Brazils officials and businesses. Rainforests are depleting at a rapid rate and, as they are a home to many indigenous tribes, is causing great turmoil. Although the Constitution of 1988 claims to recognize the indians original land rights to the lands they traditionally occupy and promise that these lands will be demarcated and protected, the Government Agency Funai is charged with the demarcation of of nearly fifty percent of the lands(PeaceNet). The report claims that, in reality, most most indian lands whether demarcated or not are coveted for some form of development. This claim is substantiated by the fact that mineral concessions have been made on fifty-eight percent of all demarcated indian lands, while thirteen percent are affected by hydroelectric projects, (PeaceNet) The link between global environmental change and the rights of indigenous populations results from the close relationship between indigenous peoples cultural and economic situations and their environmental settings. Therefore, if the environment of the native Indians of Brazil continues to be changed and removed, the people born on these lands will be exterminated out of existence. Additionally, many societal views of the indigenous people is killing them. The Amnesty International report, as commented upon by PeaceNet cites one occasion in which a thirty-five year old Macuxi Indian by the name of Damiao Mendes was found lying face down on a muddy riverbank, shot in the neck. Nearby lay his nineteen year-old nephew, murdered by the same means. Opposition from local ranchers stalled the demarcation of the land belonging to the Macuxi Indians. The Macuxi are a group whose ancestral lands lie on the plains of Roraima. The Indians claim to the land has resulted in the attacks, and thusfar have forced many to abandon the ancestral grasslands. The report continues, Damaio Mendes and Mario Davis were killed for land. The investigation into the killing was cursory. No one has been brought to justice. Dozens of Indians in Brazil have been murdered in similar circumstances. One group, the leaders of the Mexica Movement, accuse Europeans of invading their lands in 1492 and and 1519, and breaking up our lands that they call Mexico(1821), Central America(1823), and the U. S. Southwest(Texas in 1836 and the rest in 1848). (Mexica, 2) They also point out that In the last 500 years, in addition to the theft of our lands, we have seen the destruction of of our Anahuac cities, the execution of our leaders, the genocide if 23 million of our people (95% of our population killed), the theft of our wealth, the theft of out labor, and most importantly, the theft of our true Anahuac identity, history, heritage, and theology. They point out many of the successes of the Anahuac civilization, including developed sciences, agriculture, philosophies, all of the civilized arts, and three cities larger than Europes largest city. Powerful phrases are used, such as racial rape and cultural castration of our population, and claim that the the influx of Europeans caused the Anahuac to become a society riddled with ignorance, poor education, low-self-esteem, poverty, crime, gangs, dropouts, lack of indigenous representation, and and an inferiority complex of the worst kind: the self-hate of an entire people. The Mexica Movement believes that the best way to solve this problem that they, as a society, are faced with, is to provide knowledge of its history and true heritage. They believe that Knowledge, vision, courage, and perseverance will change our people into an authentically proud people, and a revived creative world force We will hold our heads and hearts proudly. We will happily know who we are. Indigenous People of Australia The Aborigines are an indigenous group from Australia. They were the first human inhabitants of this land. The word Aborigine is actually from Latin language, meaning from the beginning. The Europeans gave this name to native Australians, but this is not what they call themselves. They prefer to be called Koori (Ponnamperuma). They adapted to their environment well: the people in the colder southeast tended to be short and thick-set which was useful for conserving body heat, and the people in the hot desert were taller and lean. The Aboriginals lived solely by hunting and food gathering. Each group accumulated detailed knowledge of the habits, cycles, and and food values of the plants, insects reptiles, marsupials, and fish found in its area, developing methods and equipment for obtaining them and, when necessary, for making them edible. The behavior of one insect, plant, or animal was a sign the condition or appearance of certain others, each in its own place in time. When one population group of natives increased beyond the number that could live within practical range, some of its members moved to the next unoccupied area, and still held kinship, social, economic, and ritual ties with the original group. By this process, all of Australia was occupied. The basic part of Aboriginal life was complete dependence on nature and on intelligent adaptation through knowledge and skill. This equilibrium between the native people and nature was hugely upset by European settlements beginning in 1788. The better lands were seized, and the food-gathering, theology, and social activities were stringently changed. The groups located near white settlements became more on an unbalanced diet furnished by whites. The inevitable result was the economic decline of the native people. The Aboriginals did, however, adjust to their new environment. For example, some Aboriginals in the northern cattle area were employed as stockmen. The Australian Federal Government is working along with natives to employ gradual self-determination and consultation in decision making. (Altman) However, continuing impoverished lifestyles of many groups of Aboriginals continues to be a problem. Education is poor and housing is inadequate(Real Borges 5 World). They received the right to vote in 1967, and are continuing to be successful in continuously demanding their rights as people (Ponnamperuma). Indigenous People of Hawaii In 1893, the United States Government along with U. S. Minister John L. Stevens, through covert operations, overthrew the Hawaiian monarch led by Queen Liliuokalani and helped to establish a Provisional Government which took full possession of all government functions and buildings of the Hawaiian islands. That same year, President Grover Cleveland submitted to Congress a full report that condemned the role of the American minister and the U. S. Marines and called for a restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy. In 1898, Congress ignored President Clevelands previous request and brought into the Union the Hawaiian Islands through the Newlands Resolution This was legally questioned as to whether the U. S. Congress had authority to admit territory into the Union because it is not specified that it had right to acquire land other than through conquest or treaty. The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) realizes that the actions taken by the U. S. are illegal and thus are the basis for their legal claims for the restoration of human, civil, property, and sovereign rights of Hawaiis indigenous people. The JACL believes that the unlawful overthrow holds special significance, as it has neither been addressed nor remedied for over a century. This loss of self-rule, according to the JACL remains an important cultural and political factor today (Costanha). Additionally, the JACL believes that unresolved justice to one is harm endured by all full range or consideration of Hawaiis peoples rights and freedoms must be completely explored in order to bring about harmony within Hawaiis society,(Costanha). The JACL Many Hawaiians are bitter about the current hip Hawaiian culture, with hula girls and surfers. Many believe that they are being exploited, including one of the leaders of the native Hawaiians sovereignty movement, Haunani-Kay Trask (Nakao, 1). There are two proposed plans for a sovereign Hawaii. One is the nation within a nation model in which 4. 2 million square acres are set aside as Hawaiian homeland and residents pay taxes to elected Hawaiian representatives. The United States would still be in charge of defense and most legal matters, but Hawaii would have control over its land and resources. The other plan is that of complete sovereignty, in which Hawaii holds complete rule. The countries of Brazil and Australia and the state of Hawaii all have things in common: internal conflict, one group thriving at the bottom of a social hierarchy, and that same group fighting for their rights. These groups need and deserve to be given the land that Europeans have taken from them, and also should be treated equally. Indigenous People Indigenous people are those that are native to an area. Throughout the world, there are many groups or tribes of people that have been taken over by the Europeans in their early conquests throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by immigrating groups of individuals, and by greedy corporate businesses trying to take their land. The people indigenous to Australia, Brazil and South America, and Hawaii are currently fighting for their rights as people: the rights to own land, to be free from prejudice, and to have their lands protected from society. Indigenous People of Brazil and South America The people indigenous to Brazil and South America are an extremely noteworthy group. The Brazilian population originally derives from four ethnic sources. From the beginning, the country has been a mixture of many races of people. Of these, are the native Indians, the colonizing Portuguese, the enslaved African blacks, and the various immigrant groups from Europe and Asia. Many of the indigenous tribes are quarreling with Brazils officials and businesses. Rainforests are depleting at a rapid rate and, as they are a home to many indigenous tribes, is causing great turmoil. Although the Constitution of 1988 claims to recognize the indians original land rights to the lands they traditionally occupy and promise that these lands will be demarcated and protected, the Government Agency Funai is charged with the demarcation of of nearly fifty percent of the lands(PeaceNet). The report claims that, in reality, most most indian lands whether demarcated or not are coveted for some form of development. This claim is substantiated by the fact that mineral concessions have been made on fifty-eight percent of all demarcated indian lands, while thirteen percent are affected by hydroelectric projects, (PeaceNet) The link between global environmental change and the rights of indigenous populations results from the close relationship between indigenous peoples cultural and economic situations and their environmental settings. Therefore, if the environment of the native Indians of Brazil continues to be changed and removed, the people born on these lands will be exterminated out of existence. Additionally, many societal views of the indigenous people is killing them. The Amnesty International report, as commented upon by PeaceNet cites one occasion in which a thirty-five year old Macuxi Indian by the name of Damiao Mendes was found lying face down on a muddy riverbank, shot in the neck. Nearby lay his nineteen year-old nephew, murdered by the same means. Opposition from local ranchers stalled the demarcation of the land belonging to the Macuxi Indians. The Macuxi are a group whose ancestral lands lie on the plains of Roraima. The Indians claim to the land has resulted in the attacks, and thusfar have forced many to abandon the ancestral grasslands. The report continues, Damaio Mendes and Mario Davis were killed for land. The investigation into the killing was cursory. No one has been brought to justice. Dozens of Indians in Brazil have been murdered in similar circumstances. One group, the leaders of the Mexica Movement, accuse Europeans of invading their lands in 1492 and and 1519, and breaking up our lands that they call Mexico(1821), Central America(1823), and the U. S. Southwest(Texas in 1836 and the rest in 1848). (Mexica, 2) They also point out that In the last 500 years, in addition to the theft of our lands, we have seen the destruction of of our Anahuac cities, the execution of our leaders, the genocide if 23 million of our people (95% of our population killed), the theft of our wealth, the theft of out labor, and most importantly, the theft of our true Anahuac identity, history, heritage, and theology. They point out many of the successes of the Anahuac civilization, including developed sciences, agriculture, philosophies, all of the civilized arts, and three cities larger than Europes largest city. Powerful phrases are used, such as racial rape and cultural castration of our population, and claim that the the influx of Europeans caused the Anahuac to become a society riddled with ignorance, poor education, low-self-esteem, poverty, crime, gangs, dropouts, lack of indigenous representation, and and an inferiority complex of the worst kind: the self-hate of an entire people. The Mexica Movement believes that the best way to solve this problem that they, as a society, are faced with, is to provide knowledge of its history and true heritage. They believe that Knowledge, vision, courage, and perseverance will change our people into an authentically proud people, and a revived creative world force We will hold our heads and hearts proudly. We will happily know who we are. Indigenous People of Australia The Aborigines are an indigenous group from Australia. They were the first human inhabitants of this land. The word Aborigine is actually from Latin language, meaning from the beginning. The Europeans gave this name to native Australians, but this is not what they call themselves. They prefer to be called Koori (Ponnamperuma). They adapted to their environment well: the people in the colder southeast tended to be short and thick-set which was useful for conserving body heat, and the people in the hot desert were taller and lean. The Aboriginals lived solely by hunting and food gathering. Each group accumulated detailed knowledge of the habits, cycles, and and food values of the plants, insects reptiles, marsupials, and fish found in its area, developing methods and equipment for obtaining them and, when necessary, for making them edible. The behavior of one insect, plant, or animal was a sign the condition or appearance of certain others, each in its own place in time. When one population group of natives increased beyond the number that could live within practical range, some of its members moved to the next unoccupied area, and still held kinship, social, economic, and ritual ties with the original group. By this process, all of Australia was occupied. The basic part of Aboriginal life was complete dependence on nature and on intelligent adaptation through knowledge and skill. This equilibrium between the native people and nature was hugely upset by European settlements beginning in 1788. The better lands were seized, and the food-gathering, theology, and social activities were stringently changed. The groups located near white settlements became more on an unbalanced diet furnished by whites. The inevitable result was the economic decline of the native people. The Aboriginals did, however, adjust to their new environment. For example, some Aboriginals in the northern cattle area were employed as stockmen. The Australian Federal Government is working along with natives to employ gradual self-determination and consultation in decision making. (Altman) However, continuing impoverished lifestyles of many groups of Aboriginals continues to be a problem. Education is poor and housing is inadequate(Real Borges 5 World). They received the right to vote in 1967, and are continuing to be successful in continuously demanding their rights as people (Ponnamperuma). Indigenous People of Hawaii In 1893, the United States Government along with U. S. Minister John L. Stevens, through covert operations, overthrew the Hawaiian monarch led by Queen Liliuokalani and helped to establish a Provisional Government which took full possession of all government functions and buildings of the Hawaiian islands. That same year, President Grover Cleveland submitted to Congress a full report that condemned the role of the American minister and the U. S. Marines and called for a restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy. In 1898, Congress ignored President Clevelands previous request and brought into the Union the Hawaiian Islands through the Newlands Resolution This was legally questioned as to whether the U. S. Congress had authority to admit territory into the Union because it is not specified that it had right to acquire land other than through conquest or treaty. The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) realizes that the actions taken by the U. S. are illegal and thus are the basis for their legal claims for the restoration of human, civil, property, and sovereign rights of Hawaiis indigenous people. The JACL believes that the unlawful overthrow holds special significance, as it has neither been addressed nor remedied for over a century. This loss of self-rule, according to the JACL remains an important cultural and political factor today (Costanha). Additionally, the JACL believes that unresolved justice to one is harm endured by all full range or consideration of Hawaiis peoples rights and freedoms must be completely explored in order to bring about harmony within Hawaiis society,(Costanha). The JACL Many Hawaiians are bitter about the current hip Hawaiian culture, with hula girls and surfers. Many believe that they are being exploited, including one of the leaders of the native Hawaiians sovereignty movement, Haunani-Kay Trask (Nakao, 1). There are two proposed plans for a sovereign Hawaii. One is the nation within a nation model in which 4. 2 million square acres are set aside as Hawaiian homeland and residents pay taxes to elected Hawaiian representatives. The United States would still be in charge of defense and most legal matters, but Hawaii would have control over its land and resources. The other plan is that of complete sovereignty, in which Hawaii holds complete rule. The countries of Brazil and Australia and the state of Hawaii all have things in common: internal conflict, one group thriving at the bottom of a social hierarchy, and that same group fighting for their rights. These groups need and deserve to be given the land that Europeans have taken from them, and also should be treated equally. Indigenous People. Indigenous people are those that are native to an area. Throughout the world, there are many groups or tribes of people that have been taken over by the Europeans in their early conquests throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, by immigrating groups of individuals, and by greedy corporate businesses trying to take their land. The people indigenous to Australia, Brazil and South America, and Hawaii are currently fighting for their rights as people: the rights to own land, to be free from prejudice, and to have their lands protected from society. Indigenous People of Brazil and South America The people indigenous to Brazil and South America are an extremely noteworthy group. The Brazilian population originally derives from four ethnic sources. From the beginning, the country has been a mixture of many races of people. Of these, are the native Indians, the colonizing Portuguese, the enslaved African blacks, and the various immigrant groups from Europe and Asia. Many of the indigenous tribes are quarreling with Brazils officials and businesses. Rainforests are depleting at a rapid rate and, as they are a home to many indigenous tribes, is causing great turmoil. Although the Constitution of 1988 claims to recognize the indians original land rights to the lands they traditionally occupy and promise that these lands will be demarcated and protected, the Government Agency Funai is charged with the demarcation of of nearly fifty percent of the lands(PeaceNet). The report claims that, in reality, most most indian lands whether demarcated or not are coveted for some form of development. This claim is substantiated by the fact that mineral concessions have been made on fifty-eight percent of all demarcated indian lands, while thirteen percent are affected by hydroelectric projects, (PeaceNet) The link between global environmental change and the rights of indigenous populations results from the close relationship between indigenous peoples cultural and economic situations and their environmental settings. Therefore, if the environment of the native Indians of Brazil continues to be changed and removed, the people born on these lands will be exterminated out of existence. Additionally, many societal views of the indigenous people is killing them. The Amnesty International report, as commented upon by PeaceNet cites one occasion in which a thirty-five year old Macuxi Indian by the name of Damiao Mendes was found lying face down on a muddy riverbank, shot in the neck. Nearby lay his nineteen year-old nephew, murdered by the same means. Opposition from local ranchers stalled the demarcation of the land belonging to the Macuxi Indians. The Macuxi are a group whose ancestral lands lie on the plains of Roraima. The Indians claim to the land has resulted in the attacks, and thusfar have forced many to abandon the ancestral grasslands. The report continues, Damaio Mendes and Mario Davis were killed for land. The investigation into the killing was cursory. No one has been brought to justice. Dozens of Indians in Brazil have been murdered in similar circumstances. One group, the leaders of the Mexica Movement, accuse Europeans of invading their lands in 1492 and and 1519, and breaking up our lands that they call Mexico(1821), Central America(1823), and the U. S. Southwest(Texas in 1836 and the rest in 1848). (Mexica, 2) They also point out that In the last 500 years, in addition to the theft of our lands, we have seen the destruction of of our Anahuac cities, the execution of our leaders, the genocide if 23 million of our people (95% of our population killed), the theft of our wealth, the theft of out labor, and most importantly, the theft of our true Anahuac identity, history, heritage, and theology. They point out many of the successes of the Anahuac civilization, including developed sciences, agriculture, philosophies, all of the civilized arts, and three cities larger than Europes largest city. Powerful phrases are used, such as racial rape and cultural castration of our population, and claim that the the influx of Europeans caused the Anahuac to become a society riddled with ignorance, poor education, low-self-esteem, poverty, crime, gangs, dropouts, lack of indigenous representation, and and an inferiority complex of the worst kind: the self-hate of an entire people. The Mexica Movement believes that the best way to solve this problem that they, as a society, are faced with, is to provide knowledge of its history and true heritage. They believe that Knowledge, vision, courage, and perseverance will change our people into an authentically proud people, and a revived creative world force We will hold our heads and hearts proudly. We will happily know who we are. Indigenous People of Australia The Aborigines are an indigenous group from Australia. They were the first human inhabitants of this land. The word Aborigine is actually from Latin language, meaning from the beginning. The Europeans gave this name to native Australians, but this is not what they call themselves. They prefer to be called Koori (Ponnamperuma). They adapted to their environment well: the people in the colder southeast tended to be short and thick-set which was useful for conserving body heat, and the people in the hot desert were taller and lean. The Aboriginals lived solely by hunting and food gathering. Each group accumulated detailed knowledge of the habits, cycles, and and food values of the plants, insects reptiles, marsupials, and fish found in its area, developing methods and equipment for obtaining them and, when necessary, for making them edible. The behavior of one insect, plant, or animal was a sign the condition or appearance of certain others, each in its own place in time. When one population group of natives increased beyond the number that could live within practical range, some of its members moved to the next unoccupied area, and still held kinship, social, economic, and ritual ties with the original group. By this process, all of Australia was occupied. The basic part of Aboriginal life was complete dependence on nature and on intelligent adaptation through knowledge and skill. This equilibrium between the native people and nature was hugely upset by European settlements beginning in 1788. The better lands were seized, and the food-gathering, theology, and social activities were stringently changed. The groups located near white settlements became more on an unbalanced diet furnished by whites. The inevitable result was the economic decline of the native people. The Aboriginals did, however, adjust to their new environment. For example, some Aboriginals in the northern cattle area were employed as stockmen. The Australian Federal Government is working along with natives to employ gradual self-determination and consultation in decision making. (Altman) However, continuing impoverished lifestyles of many groups of Aboriginals continues to be a problem. Education is poor and housing is inadequate(Real Borges 5 World). They received the right to vote in 1967, and are continuing to be successful in continuously demanding their rights as people (Ponnamperuma). Indigenous People of Hawaii. In 1893, the United States Government along with U. S. Minister John L. Stevens, through covert operations, overthrew the Hawaiian monarch led by Queen Liliuokalani and helped to establish a Provisional Government which took full possession of all government functions and buildings of the Hawaiian islands. That same year, President Grover Cleveland submitted to Congress a full report that condemned the role of the American minister and the U. S. Marines and called for a restoration of the Hawaiian monarchy. In 1898, Congress ignored President Clevelands previous request and brought into the Union the Hawaiian Islands through the Newlands Resolution This was legally questioned as to whether the U. S. Congress had authority to admit territory into the Union because it is not specified that it had right to acquire land other than through conquest or treaty. The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) realizes that the actions taken by the U. S. are illegal and thus are the basis for their legal claims for the restoration of human, civil, property, and sovereign rights of Hawaiis indigenous people. The JACL believes that the unlawful overthrow holds special significance, as it has neither been addressed nor remedied for over a century. This loss of self-rule, according to the JACL remains an important cultural and political factor today (Costanha). Additionally, the JACL believes that unresolved justice to one is harm endured by all full range or consideration of Hawaiis peoples rights and freedoms must be completely explored in order to bring about harmony within Hawaiis society,(Costanha). The JACL Many Hawaiians are bitter about the current hip Hawaiian culture, with hula girls and surfers. Many believe that they are being exploited, including one of the leaders of the native Hawaiians sovereignty movement, Haunani-Kay Trask (Nakao, 1). There are two proposed plans for a sovereign Hawaii. One is the nation within a nation model in which 4. 2 million square acres are set aside as Hawaiian homeland and residents pay taxes to elected Hawaiian representatives. The United States would still be in charge of defense and most legal matters, but Hawaii would have control over its land and resources. The other plan is that of complete sovereignty, in which Hawaii holds complete rule. The countries of Brazil and Australia and the state of Hawaii all have things in common: internal conflict, one group thriving at the bottom of a social hierarchy, and that same group fighting for their rights. These groups need and deserve to be given the land that Europeans have taken from them, and also should be treated equally.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Financial Business Startup Essay Example for Free

Financial Business Startup Essay A major responsibility for new Financial Advisors is to formulate and conduct marketing strategies to develop and enhance client relationships. These activities are normally documented through a marketing plan. Using this document, you are asked to answer hypothetical question – if you were to be hired as a financial advisor, what would your business plan look like? How would you get the word out that you are a Merrill Lynch Financial Advisor? Who would you contact? How would you contact them? How would you tell them your story and the Merrill Lynch story? This document will help you build a preliminary business plan. Keep an open mind as you are asked to think about all the people you touch in a typical day, as well as those people you have touched in the past. These individuals can be potential clients or be a great source of introduction to others who may need your services. Good luck! Feel free to write your responses on a separate piece of paper. Section 1: Your Vision 1. What is your 3-year vision for your business? 2. What are your 3-year personal financial goals? . Please rank order the following in terms of your greatest interest/passion to least. Please describe the personal attributes you have that you believe will contribute to your success as a Financial Advisor. 5. What do you believe ML and your local Management Team can provide to you in your first 90 days in order to help you be successful? 6. Why have you chosen the Financial Services Industry? More specifically, why have you chosen ML? Section 2: Centers of Influence â€Å"Centers of Influence† are individuals in our lives who tend to be well known, well liked and very well networked. â€Å"Centers of Influence† are valuable in making introductions to people that we may be able to help as Merrill Lynch Financial Advisors. Below please record the name of ten people who are â€Å"Centers of Influence† in your life and state what groups they can connect you with.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Current Situation Facing Tanzania Smes Economics Essay

The Current Situation Facing Tanzania Smes Economics Essay I sincerely thank the almighty God to keep me health and give me ability, strength to accomplish this course, as he makes up activities run and deciding the degree of success or failure one can experience. Special thanks to my Instructor, Mrs. Priti Punatar for her guidance and support in this essay two also which need more guidance as we give out our view in chosen topic, Madame your close guidance has become very helpful on this session, Thanks so much. Thanks again Institute for Information Technology and Greenwich University for providing us with International qualification locally (here in Tanzania). ABSTRACT This paper has examined the current situation facing Tanzania SMEs and how does they survive through innovation in this era of globalization. The paper also discussed challenge prevailing in growth and development of Tanzania SMEs, as late 70s and early 80s SMEs started to become more innovative and more flexible in term of reducing costs, Thus, they started providing intermediate goods more efficiently than large enterprises, as people starts to be more aware and more skilled on business environment through economic integrations, movement of people and capital which caused by globalization. While Tanzania SMEs tries to survive by innovation in globalization era technology, competition and their abrupt bankruptcy become a critical challenge which this paper will analyses and give the recommendation on how to go about it so as to survive in this era which other developing countries like China, India and Brazil took as opportunity to stabilize they economy. 1. ANALYSIS ON IMPORTANT OF GLOBALIZATION IN TODAYS BUSINESS WORLD As globalization is integration and interdependences of world economies, this cause liberalization of international trade as trade barriers where removed, technology progress example uses of internet which make customers more access to product of different countries and allows ease partnership between entrepreneurs. Through finding which collected on preparation of essay one, globalization can be contributed by the following factors in this recent decade Increase in and expansion of technology, Liberalization of cross-border trade and resource movements, Development of services that support international business, Growing consumer pressures, Increased global competition, Changing political situations, Expanded cross-national cooperation. Also globalization brought different challenge in todays business environment, among those issues there business integration, creativity, movement of technology, movement of intangible and tangible resources. Throughout recorder of history, human contact over ever wider geographic areas have expanded the variety of resources, products, services, and markets available to consumers. People has altered the way they wants and expect to live, and they have become more deeply affect (positively and negatively) by conditions outside of our immediate domains (Daniels J.D, et al, 2009, pg48) This global challenge which face all sector also effects Tanzania economic as government implemented Tanzania economic reform programme in 1986 and review in 1996 which base on philosophy of dedicate country economy in market economy whereby the private sector will take lead in creating income and employment, while SMEs was accounted for a large share of the enterprises active in Tanzania. 1. I.MAJOR CRITICISMS OF GLOBALIZATION Although we have discussed seven broad reasons for the increase in international business and globalization, we should remember that the consequences of these trends remain controversial. To thwart the globalization process, anti-globalization forces regularly protest international conferences (sometimes with attendant violence). There are many pertinent issues, but we focus on the three broad categories: threats to national sovereignty (i.e. countries lose sovereignty), growth and environmental stress (I.e. the resultant growth hurts the environment), and growing income inequality (i.e. some people lose both relatively and absolutely). Threats to national sovereignty You probably heard the slogan Think globally acts locally. In essence, it means that the accommodation of local interest should prevail over global interests. Some observers worry that the proliferation of international agreements, particularly those that eliminate local restrictions on how good are bought and sold, will diminishing a nations sovereignty- that is, a nations freedom to act locally and without externally imposed restrictions. Economic growth and environmental stress Much anti-globalization criticisms revolve around issues of economic growth. According to one argument, as globalization brings growth, it consumes more nonrenewable natural resources and increases environmental damage- despoliation through toxic and pesticide runoffs into rivers and oceans, air pollution from factories and vehicle emissions, and deforestation that can affect weather and climate. Growing income inequality In measuring economic well-being, we must look not only at our absolute situations but also at how well were doing compared to the economic well-being of others. We generally dont find our economic status satisfactory unless were doing better and keeping up with others. Also Tanzania made development Vision that by the year 2025, Tanzania should have created a strong, diversified, flexible and competitive economy, which can effectively cope with the challenges of development and, which can also easily and confidently adapt to the changing market and technological conditions in the regional and global economy. 2. BARRIERS HINDERING TANZANIAN SMEs TO COMPETE GLOBALLY The following are suggested to be the barriers impending Tanzanian SMEs to expand beyond domestic markets. 2. I.Ability to acquire financial capital On recognition of the fact that many SMEs in Tanzania do not have ability to acquire financial capital, the government has given out a total of 4.85bn/= in loans to 14,272 for the financial year ending 2003/2004 as a support to Small and Medium scale entrepreneurs development projects (URT, 2004).which wasnt enough. 2. II.Legal and regulatory framework Report from Business Environment Strengthening for Tanzania (BEST) revealed that, the government has been working in collaboration with a number of ministries and department to put in place a legal framework conducive to speedy investments, streamlining and registration of business activities. (Daily News, July 9, 2005).but in fact these institutes create bureaucracy and hinder the growth and development of SMEs in the country, through long process of business registration. 2. III.Incoherence of government policies for SMEs development On recognition of SMEs growth potentials, the government of Tanzania has been implementing the Small and Medium Enterprise Development policy (2003) to support the development of SME sector. But the policy aimed more at increasing the contribution of the Gross National Product and export earnings as well as winning the war against poverty. (Sunday observer June 26, 2005) 2. VI.Lack of managerial skills Research done by Gibb, (1983) revealed that, Small industry in a large number of observed developing countries demonstrate a multiple of specific and in many ways non-conventional managerial traits that one seldom encounters in medium or larger firms. First is the very small management team that brings along with it a lack of specialization, a predominance of multi-functional roles, a shortage of promotable manpower, and a pronounced domination by a leader and large measure of informal control? Second, there is the limited control of the environment and the limited resources available to scan its anticipated potential changes and adapt capacity accordingly. Third, there is the informal pattern of operation, with conflicts resolved more easily and loyalties assuming a high magnitude. Fourth there is the general unawareness or indifference to the structured approach to the managerial function and the need for a longer term vision of the enterprise and its environment. 2. V.The environmental influence Small businesses, especially, are struggling nationally and internationally to survive. For an organization to survive and prosper there is need for an understanding and adjustment to the external environment. Lack of response to the changing global environment will result in the organizations not meeting the needs and wants of their stakeholders. Responding to the environment essentially means matching the capabilities of the organization with changing environment. This scenario has meant that the success of SMEs in this changing environment of globalization depends in large part on the formulation and implementation of strategy. (e.g. Miles and Snow, 1978; Porter, 1980). Strategy in this context reflects the firms short- and long-term responses to the challenges and opportunities posed by the business environment. Companies execute strategies to attract customers, meet the needs of the stakeholders and deal effectively with other environmental concerns, such as environmental issues. Example: Globalization has generated competition even more competition for the SMEs particularly the black African business. The growth in ethnic groups in many advanced economies poses particular challenges for global marketing strategies. In the UK an increasing ethnic diversity of markets is attributed, in part, to an increased mobility of populations across national frontiers and a corresponding growth in ethnic consumers (Wilkinson and Cheng, 1997; Nwankwo and Lindridge, 1998). 2. VI.Limited experience of international trading activity Smaller firms find that the global marketplace can offer tremendous opportunity for business growth and development (Winch and Bianchi, 2006). Notwithstanding the benefits (on both on a firm and macro-environment level) to be derived from international trade (Bell, 1997), this body of literature also argues that the smaller the firm is often more vulnerable to barriers associated with resource limitations, operating difficulties and trade restrictions (Katsikeas and Morgan, 1994; Leonidou, 2004). As Buckley (1989) maintains, internationalization by its very nature involves a high degree of risk and SMEs tend to have more limited resources to cope with the downside of foreign expansion. Hence, it has been argued that the barriers to entry that limit international expansion are systematically higher for smaller firms than for larger firms (Acs et al., 1997; OFarrell and Wood, 1998). It has been highlighted by Bell (1997) that the most widely investigated topic in the literature is the barriers and obstacles to exporting, which have been categorized in terms of internal and external barriers. External obstacles to SME internationalization include procedural, governmental and task barriers (Leonidou, 2004), which may emanate from the domestic market or overseas market (Fillis, 2001). For small firms, the prospect of entering into international markets can often be seen as a risky venture (Burpitt and Rondinelli, 2000; Masurel, 2001) especially given financial market imperfections, exchange rates, and differences in legal systems, culture and languages (Acs et al., 1997). Therefore, as the research findings by Knight and Liesch (2003) acknowledged, SMEs are more often less able to sustain competitive threats and unfavorable macro-events in the external environment than larger firms. This is particularly characteristic of SMEs with very limited experience of interna tional trading activity defined as tentative internationalizing firms (Lloyd-Reason and Mughan, 2003). For these SMEs at the early stage of internationalization, more often the internal skills and knowledge needs of the firm have been met and all is required is market intelligence to fully engage in foreign market expansion. 2. VII.Export capabilities and export performance Over two decades, many studies have researched the specific elements of export capability that may determine export performance in SMEs. Unfortunately, much of this was fragmented. Indeed, reviews by Aaby and Slater (1989), Styles and Ambler (1994), Leonidou (1995), Fraering (1996) and Zou and Stan (1998) all recognize the need to consolidate empirical export research. Amongst these authors there is general agreement that the elements of export capability relating to export performance centre around three categories: (a) a firms characteristics; (b) a firms competencies; and (c) a firms export-marketing strategy capability. (a). Firms Characteristics One of the reasons the activities of SMEs in international markets are seen to deserve special attention is the challenge SMEs with limited resources face when competing in such markets. It is perhaps unsurprising, therefore, to find that research (Dichtl et al., 1990) did establish links between firm size and export performance. However, a number of other studies have questioned the existence of such a direct link. Bonaccorsi (1992), Katsikeas et al. (1997) argued that firms with the same amount and quality of resources may well choose different export strategies and thus strategic capability must be a mediating variable in the relationship between a firms resources and export behavior, and not firm size. Larger firms achieved a better competitive position than smaller firms when they had greater marketing capabilities and product superiority. Katsikeas et al. (1997) found that the level of export involvement and the type of product marketed were perceived to be more important eleme nts of capability than the size of the firm. Thus, it seems that, whilst it may be an obvious explanatory factor in export success, size is not necessarily viewed as a key export capability. (b). Firms competencies Competencies that have been directly associated with export success include domestic market performance, product uniqueness, production capacity, labour skills and the type of industry in which the firm operates. Ogbeuhi and Longfellow (1994) and Katsikeas et al. (1997) both make reference to factors such as, export market planning skills, quality of export staff, foreign market connections and financial management skills as being critical capabilities in enhancing export performance. Aaby and Slater (1989) propose that competencies in all these areas are critical to export success. Conversely, weakness in these areas is seen as a potential cause of failure in export markets. More specifically, Ogbeuhi and Longfellow (1994) found that export market failure often results from poor market analysis, absence of product market match, ineffective distribution, and lack of management planning and control. (c). Strategy variables Much of the earlier work examining strategy variables focused on individual capabilities: product design and persistence in the market. However, more recent research has put greater emphasis on the information generating capabilities of the firm. Toften and Olsen (2003), Burridge and Bradshaw (2001) and Hart and Tzokas (1999) suggest that successful exporters have strong capabilities in accessing and using the information required for long term export marketing planning, whereas less successful ones put the emphasis purely on obtaining information for the day-to-day running of the business. This is supported to some extent by Johanson and Vahlne (1977) who conclude that, whilst firms may initially export to markets that are geographically close, it is the subsequent increase in market knowledge and information that can lead to rapid expansion in more psychically distant markets. Other authors have also provided empirical evidence of the importance of marketing variables in relation to export performance (see for example: Shoham et al. (2002), Thirkell and Day (1998), Madsen (1994), Styles and Ambler (1994), Katsikeas et al. (1996). Admittedly, the weight of support for the role of relationships in export performance comes mainly from the network perspective, a view that focuses on the formal and informal relationships that bind an organisation (Johanson and Mattsson, 1988). One of the main tenets of this perspective is that export performance is the result of interaction and the development of numerous relationships (Johanson and Vahlne, 1990). 3. OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES TO EXPAND BEYOND DOMESTIC MARKET Scarborough, (1996) suggested that growing number of SMEs are recognizing that going global is not only a strategy reserved solely for large industries, but increasing globalization of business also favors SMEs. There are several opportunities available for SMEs pursuing a Global presence these are: 3. I. Direct exporting Exporting starts with a global mind set which unfortunately is not all that common among owners of SMEs. With increased global competition putting pressure on domestic market, and trade agreements opening up foreign market, as never before, however, SMEs are increasingly looking towards exporting. However, SMEs, realizing the incredible profit potential it offers, are making exporting an ever-expanding part of the marketing plans. 3. II. Use of internet technology to penetrate across boarder market The Internet is a worldwide network of interconnected computers consisting of thousands of smaller networks. The worldwide website (WWW) is an information retrieval system that operates on the Internet (Ndiaye et al 2000) organizations have been increasingly deploying internet to serve their business process needs. Being an information rich network, internet provides further opportunity of creating knowledge to SMEs. This is an indication that stakeholders in SMEs can communicate with the outside world to add value to their processes (Mwaijonga, 1999). Once connected to Internet SMEs can create their own website and thus become more accessible to the rest of the world (www, digital dividend .org) 3. III. International franchising Franchise is license granted to manufactures, distributor, trader, etc, that allows him or her to manufacture or sell product or service in a particular area for specific period of time .The grantor of license (Franchiser) is usually paid a royalty on sales by the holder of the license. The situation of domestic market is the principle driving force pushing entrepreneurs into foreign markets. In many cases the products and services sold in International markets are identical to those sold in home country. However, Franchisers have learned to modify their products and services to suit local tastes and customers. 3. Vii. Foreign licensing SMEs enter foreign markets by licensing businesses in other nations to use their patents, trademarks copyrights, and technology is a relatively simple way for even the most in experienced business owner to extend his reach into global markets. 3. V. Formation of alliances and joint ventures Melanie, Ravi (2002) adds that in order for SMEs to survive in markets where there are large competitors, they can form alliances with similar firms to increase the rate of market penetration and reduce financial risk, by this way, the SMEs may utilize overseas technology to overcome diseconomies of scale and to produce innovations which differentiate themselves significantly from large competitors. Because SMEs have limited resources and relative inability to absorbing the costs of the operations, Most importantly they can benefit market reputation that a foreign partner is enjoying, thus this create opportunity for SMEs to go beyond domestic market. 3. Vi. Credit guarantee scheme for SMEs Perege (2005) indicates that, the long awaited credit Guarantee scheme for small and medium enterprises set up by the government of Tanzania to help SMEs access foreign a market is now ready. Exporters from the SMEs sector can now start sending their application for funding through the Small Industries Development Organization (SIDO). The fund, which amounts to Tanzanian shillings 3 Billion as set up in the previous financial budget 2003/2004) with the purpose of assisting small and medium enterprises expand exports of their products. Under the credit Guarantee scheme, once an exporter has applied for the loan from any banking institution and has been asked to produce guarantee/ collateral for that affect, SIDO in collaboration with BOT, will assess the possibility for acting as guarantors .In case exporters failed to pay back their loans, the guarantor would pay the loans (Perege, 2005). 3. Vii. Unique goods or services Some SMEs have products that are superior in quality than what is currently offered in the targeted International market. This helps the SMEs gain an edge in attracting buyers and quickly establishing a market position. Many professional SMEs now are finding that they have an opportunity to establish market positions worldwide because they have specific expertise that is in strong demand. 4. AFFECT OF INNOVATION IN GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SMES IN TANZANIA. Combining the concepts provided in previous studies on the first essay, a diffusion model can be good to Tanzania SMEs as it emphasizing acquisition, adoption and adaptation of already existing innovations has been developed for the SMEs industrial sector. The focus of the research in this mode is on utilizing the entrepreneurial characteristics and capabilities to access and exploit already existing technology. Information and knowledge about sources of technology are important components in diffusion process. For a successful innovation in a competitive market, integration of SME activities both vertically and horizontally is essential. The model contains concepts (constructs) whose existence and possible relationships have been addressed and gauged in order to determine how they influence innovativeness. The constructs are categorized as: (a) Technological information and knowledge; (b) Knowledge and skills; (c) Nature of the market and external relationships; (d) Characteristics and capabilities of SMEs. 4. I.MEASUREMENTS OF INNOVATIVENESS To measure innovativeness of SMEs in the Tanzanian manufacturing sector, a time-frame of three years was used. This time-frame was selected because of the nature of the measurements used required owners/managers of SMEs to provide accurate estimates of their innovativeness. Technological change that was selected as the innovativeness indicator of technology adopted was measured as it was experienced by owners/managers of SMEs. Innovation measurement is based on technological adoption, modifications and incremental changes that took place in the SMEs in the Tanzanian manufacturing sector. This approach is in line with a study by Landa (1993), in which he was able to separate innovating from non-innovating firms. 4. I.1.Measurements of Innovation Indicators (a) Technological information and knowledge; this concept is divided into technology information access and technology knowledge awareness. (b) Knowledge and skills; this concept is divided into two concepts: level of knowledge and skills, and owner. 5. ANALYSIS OF THE ESSAY FUNDINGS This part includes the analysis of findings regarding the essay and the concluding remarks and recommendations. 5. I. Markets for SMEs Different researchers were interested to establish whether Tanzanian SMEs sales their products in the external markets, local market or both. According to the research on the barriers hindering Tanzanian SMEs to expand beyond domestic markets, done by Neema J.M. (2010), the findings show that (61.11%) of entrepreneurs (or businessmen) sale their products in local market and only (38.89%) of businessmen sale both local and external market. This suggests that the local market looks friendly to the SMEs than external market. It is observed that, export modes in Tanzania differ from one firm to another. After trade liberalization, many entrepreneurs have started to export into foreign markets freely instead of using the traditional government channels. (Argument from the essay writer, 2011). It is revealed that, most SMEs which use this method do it mainly by participating in neighbors countries though trade fairs, exhibitions and delegation. However, direct exporting has been possible due to mainly initiatives from buyers; most of these SMEs have their customers abroad who use their product (Argument from the essay writer, 2011). 5. II. Lack of external marketing information On the other hand the findings show that they suffer from lack of external marketing information. They are often unable to keep track of trend with changing tastes and preferences of external consumers. Also most of SMEs they are not using website to penetrate beyond domestic market. This result in them losing either existing market share or being unable to penetrate new market without proper assistance from government and other institutions. It is also observed that, inadequate marketing services have been hindering SMEs find it difficult to obtain relevant knowledge and information about markets (Argument from essay writer, 2011). 5. III. Lack of advanced technology According to the analysis on this essay, it is revealed that technology constitutes the major constraints for the SMEs to inter into foreign markets. Entrepreneurs and other businessmen have a belief that due to the use of traditional technology in manufacturing of products, SMEs produce low quality products that do not meet international standards. This is also a view held by UNIDO, which establishes that small-scale businesses often use inefficient low-cost technologies that yield products of poor quality and pose hazards to health and environment. A number of small-scale business strongly agree that they get difficulties to cope with external market competition because of low quality products and high prices for the products manufactured by SMEs compared with products of other countries like China, Japan, and Kenya, etc. 6. CONCLUSION 6. I. Conclusion on Global Perspective The continuous global trends are unseeingly affecting all businesses throughout this economy. These global trends cause a constant need to accommodate, which is applying more costs and frustration to all businesses. The global affects that people who are unaware of what is slowly bringing down businesses in this economy. Along with tending to the extra costs incurred from globalization, businesses still have to focus on fulfilling customers expectations in order to improve satisfaction and increase future business. Outsourcing of technologies and continuous innovations opens doors for many businesses to gain access in a foreign market, but not all businesses can handle and maintain activity in these roughing economies. 6. II. Conclusion on Africa Perspective One of the weaknesses of African countries is the relative small size of the industrial sector. This sector is crucial for development and science and technology policies must support its growth and strengthening. The sector may be the weakest link in the development of many African countries. Hence the priority must be accorded to the development of this sector through building entrepreneurial capacities to acquire and apply appropriate manufacturing technology for enhanced competitiveness. Priority must also be accorded to the creation and development of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). Science and technology policies must support this orientation. 6. III. Conclusion on Tanzania Perspective This essay is about analyses the Impact of innovation in todays Tanzania SMEs in this era of globalization significantly there is a lot reveal that there are some opportunities for Tanzania SMEs to enter in foreign markets that have not been fully exploited because of some constraints as identified above, as many SMEs are unaware of opportunities currently offered by commercial banks to support their businesses. Lack of access to finance can usually be found at the top of any list of the problem of small business. SMEs generally start with their own resources and are undercapitalized. SMEs in Tanzania suffer from lack of information on available support and market signals, including those for local and export markets, lack of managerial skills and international marketing skills, lack of coherent government policies for SMEs development inhibits expansion of SMEs both domestically and beyond domestic market. Products of most Tanzania SMEs are of varying quality and costly to produce due to lack of access to technology and know-how. 7. I. RECOMMENDATION FOR POLICY MAKERS The formulation, as well as the implementation, of a clear development policy on SMEs is of paramount importance given the contributions of SMES to economic and industrial development. The use of obsolete technology in Tanzania SMEs and a lack of awareness of source of new technology as the result of heavy dependence on foreign technologies, lack of innovations and lack of know where to find appropriate technologies to be acquired, and lack of internal capacity to achieve technical innovation. But innovation diffusion depends, among other things, on the economy and government of a nation (Silveira, 2001). This essay suggests the importance of having a national innovation policy that links together all the economic factors. This is considered particularly important for Tanzania SMEs because of market failure, international competitiveness, and institutional inadequacies. 7. II. Recommendation to Tanzania chamber of commerce industry and Agriculture (TCCIA) It should emphasize on advocacy and lobbying. Thats representing the opinions of their members to the government and keeping and assisting in the formulation of policies concerning business so as to meet needs and concerns of their members so that they can grow easily and expand their business locally and externally. 7. III. Recommendations for further studies It is recommended that Government should create a passage of law and regulations that allow the SMEs to access the financial aids and the shortest way to get loans from development and Banks. The management capacity is one of essential factor to get success of the national development. Training for business managers is very necessary because they decide the fate of enterprises. One of the most difficulties of SMEs is lack of information and connection; this is more serious for SMEs to access domestic and foreign markets. The government should provide information about domestic and foreign markets through establishing information centers that can play a connection between SMEs and related sectors or organizations.